I had another great weekend outside of San Jose! This past Monday was Independence Day, so we had a three day weekend. I traveled with 5 others to Montezuma and Santa Teresa, which are beaches on the Pacific. We left from San Jose early Saturday morning (7:30 am), but didn't get to Montezuma until around 3 pm. The traveling was more complicated than I expected, but definitely worth it. First, we had to take a bus to Puntarenas, which was packed and we were lucky to have seats, then we got off the bus and onto a ferry. We got on the ferry around 10:30, but it didn't leave the dock until 12 pm. After the hour ferry, we got back on the same bus for about an hour, transferred buses one more time and finally made it to Montezuma. It sounds more complicated than it actually is, but as they say here, pura vida. In other words, just go with it.
Although the beach in Montezuma is beautiful, it isn't the main attraction. Most people go to see the waterfalls, so as soon as we checked into a hostel that's where we headed. The path that leads to the waterfalls was fairly treacherous; it was a good workout to say the least. We stayed at the top for awhile to jump in, swim, and relax. It was really beautiful and one of the coolest things I've done thus far in CR.
Sunday we took a bus to Santa Teresa which is a well-known surfing beach and by that I mean well-known by serious surfers. The waves are brutal, and even though I do want to take a surf lesson, Santa Teresa is definitely not beginner friendly. The beach there is really big and it was nearly deserted. We spent most of our time lounging in some hammocks that we found and walking along the shore.
We left Santa Teresa Monday afternoon. The travel time back to San Jose didn't seem as long as getting there, maybe because we were able to watch a beautiful sunset from the ferry. I got home around 11 pm, which isn't too late, but it made for a long Tuesday. Hope to here from you all soon!
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