Wednesday, September 26, 2012

ode to india

I've been pretty quiet on the blog front in recent months. Let's see, perhaps it's because I got married in April, moved into a bare apartment that same month, spent my entire break from school in Kansas celebrating with family/friends (having a blast!) and then dove right back into studying upon my return to sunny California. Then, it was three months of studying followed by our August adventure, which left me exhausted and back to studying. Oh, and by the way, I contemplated, deeply I might add, writing something in regards to the aforementioned "August adventure;" however, if that ever happens you'll have to pay me for it. No, really. That material deserves a book of it's own. I know Uli and Luke will back me up on that.

So, why am I writing today? More or less, just for the hell of it. I'm hoping to keep this blog hanging on for now and then revamp it when Thomas and I again have time to travel. I'm sure you'll see a few posts about our travels here on the West coast in the next few years.

Despite the fact that I can't seem to keep one blog going, I'm planning on getting another one started soon for health, wellness, yoga and acupuncture related topics. So, in case you don't have enough "health tips" popping up on your news feed, then you'll be able to check out mine. On a more serious note, I am learning a lot of really cool alternative health tips (user friendly I might add). The blog will be part of a future website for my business related endeavors.

Oh yes, I did have something more exciting to share with you today. Almost a year ago, I flew to India for the first time and as you might recall, I found it to be a fascinating place. Here is where I go on to explain how it changed my life and I plan on returning there and opening a yoga center/orphanage. No, I won't be doing either of those things; however, India did change me, in the same way that any other day of your life can change you. Often, days, people, places or thoughts change the way we see the world around us and for a fleeting moment we realize it and we realize that we can never see the world as we once did. It's always for the better, that is, if we can find the place of acceptance within ourselves.

I will return to India. It is known to travelers when they will return to trace some of their past footsteps. Until then, I look back on my experience in India with nothing but joy.

Have a look yourself:

This is just a short video along the ganges river. It was close to the end of my time in Rishikesh and it was I think the only time I took one of the jeep taxis.


Monday, June 25, 2012


Looking to brand a new style of yoga...look no further...

1. Mind Buddhi Yoga (manifest your buddhi)

2. Shaktify Yoga


4. Yogalution

5. [anything] Flow (because adding the word "flow" always makes sense and basically means yoga)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

"different names for the same thing"

About a year ago, the thought of changing my last name was daunting to say the least. Why should I wake up one day with a different last name? Won't I always be a Driskell? Well, yes to answer that as briefly as possible. But also, no...

Slowly, I came to realize the importance, and lack there of, when it comes to a name. Thomas and I agreed that we would like to share the same last name and that name would be his. However, my perception of myself was, and still is, closely tied to my family name to the point that I once felt the need to defend it and keep it as my own. Talk about attachment issues, yes those I do have.

I will also admit to the fact that I felt some feminist voice scratching at the back of my throat trying to get the point across that I didn't have to take my husband's last name. I didn't have to follow tradition. blah, blah, blah. So, how to escape the conflict on one's own mind...?

Truthfully, I'm not so sure that I did. Doesn't that take a lifetime (or lifetimes)? I think I heard someone say that once or twice; regardless, I am slowly letting go of the name attachment one letter and account name change at a time. After all, throughout the world there are different names for the same thing. It's always the concept that sticks, names vary culture to culture and generation to generation.

Something for me to remember as I continue to adapt to seeing Hauser instead of Driskell...

"The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is your home? Where are you going? What are you doing? Think about these once in a while, and watch your answers change." ~Richard Bach

Maybe I would add "what is your name?" to that list.